Tuesday, 1 January 2013

3 days and a few more QSOs.  all CW, all 20m

IZ2AJE Italy
YU2NZ Serbia
DK9MH Germany
DL2EEJ Germany
F6UIG France
OK2KJU Czech Rep
SQ4NR Poland
DL6FAX Germany
HB9AJM Switzerland
OK1CWK Czech Rep
VE2WU Canada

I'd heard Marten VE2WU yesterday but he was ragchewing with another station so I didn't break in. Today he was chatting to another station and as the QSO ended I called him and he answered.

now, at the time, I was a little perplexed by what he did.  but as I thought about it later, he actually did me a big favour.  Basically, what he did was say "I'm looking at your QRZ.com page and a can see your nice pic, and how you have a Yaseau 101B and you make guitars and I hope your back gets better......."

there was a little QSB so I gave him a signal rept and said there was QSB but all info OK.

so he pretty much repeated his last (long) transmission.

like I say,at the time, I was thinking, Aw man, you're got all my info, I've got nothing left to tell you"  but what he did was to give me a chance to listen to the same transmission twice and it contained a load of info that I already knew.....

a real help to my receiving, so THANKS MARTEN!!

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