How to build an antenna switch
the bands are full of competitions today so I gave up after a few seconds.
not my thing at all.
so, as I'm planning a second antenna, a Windom off centre fed dipole, to get 80m and improve 40, I'm going to need a switch, right?
so after extensive research......
OK, I asked on the Homebrew & kit projects forum....
so, those smart folks say that it's OK to use a mains light switch to direct the RF.....
so, first I need a metal case.....
it's been on top of the kitchen cabinet for a year, so it won't be missed by my very understanding XYL
mark it out.....
and drill a few holes.....
a dremel tidies the holes and the used sockets I got off ebay are attached...
then the switch....
its a 3 gang 2 way switch.....
so I reckon I can feed one line in, then the first gang directs the signal to one or the other of the remaining switches, giving 4 outputs.;.....
so, from the input socket to switch 1 then from the 4 outputs of switch 2 & 3 to the 4 sockets on the lid..... I know the metal case should carry the ground, but I put a wire on as belt & braces..... (no flash... sorry!)
then, all assembled and testing for continuity......
so now that I know it switches as I had intended, I can mark on the switches so I know what goes where.....
and a rear view for the input
as Master Yoda would say..... pleased with this I am!!
Now to get the antenna sorted!!
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