Thursday, 1 November 2012

QSLs are a great thing.

in my CB days, back in the early 80s there was no QSL bureau.  you just had to shout out your address over the air.  If you were lucky you had a short address, or could afford a PO Box, it was all a bit better, but as a kid I had to yell out the postal address.

our postman was very understanding.  Pretty much any mail with gibberish on the envelope addressed to Carrowdore came to me.  to be fair, most of it WAS for me.......

so now, here we are in the age of the interweb.  no more callsign books that are out of date before they even get printed.

now we have where you can look up a callsign, and get the country, address, operator name, distance away and a host of other details.

all while the QSO is happening.


and there is also  use it as a log book and it sends other HAms an email QSL and all for free.

how good is that?

well as I start my second calendar month of being a Ham operator I have had a few QSLs back via eQSL.  three are local blokes I have spoken to on 2m FM, but I've also recieved my first HF QSL, from a Greek Special station comemorationg 100 years since the liberation of Thessaloniki.

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